Manure Manager

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Manure spill in Plymouth County reaches small creek

September 7, 2017  by Iowa Department of Natural Resources

September 7, 2017, Kingsley, IA – After a recent report of a manure spill from a sow facility in Plymouth County, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources found manure had reached a small creek about four miles northwest of Kingsley.

The spill, which occurred over the weekend, came from a sow facility.

It’s unknown how much manure spilled. The unnamed stream has low flows, is very small and there were no fish in it. Iowa DNR staff found low dissolved oxygen levels in the stream, but no evidence that the manure had reached Johns Creek about one mile downstream.

Most of the manure was captured by a berm near the facility. Any manure from the tributary will be pumped up and land applied.

Iowa DNR will continue to monitor the cleanup progress and consider appropriate enforcement action.


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