Manure Manager

News Manure Expo
Manure Expo: Chair’s message

July 17, 2024  by Kirsten Workman and Heather Darby, 2024 Manure Expo Co-Chairs

New York State and Vermont are excited to host the North American Manure Expo for the first time in its more-than-20-year history. Dairy and livestock production leads the agriculture sectors in our states and therefore manure is an important component to our integrated cropping and livestock systems. Farmers in our region exemplify the Manure Expo’s motto of “professionalism in nutrient management” and we are excited for you to see that in action at this year’s event.

Green mountains and blue waters

Being home to the Adirondack, Catskill and Green Mountains, Lake Champlain, the Finger Lakes and two Great Lakes protecting the environment is at the forefront of farm operations. The Northeast has a challenging climate and landscape, so innovation is part of the equation when it comes to crop, livestock and environmental management.

We have made commitments to mitigating climate change, so in addition to soil and water, you will see a focus on air and greenhouse gas emissions. You will see and learn about emerging research and technology focused on what we can do as managers of manure to reduce our impact.

This event would not be possible without the leadership and engagement of our host farm, Jon and Julie Patterson of Patterson Farms Inc. Their team has dedicated immense efforts toward making this a great event for all of us. The local planning committee has worked diligently to bring you the best educational and demonstration opportunities available. Our team includes members from Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY, UVM Extension, custom manure application professionals, Cornell Cooperative Extension, NYS Ag & Markets, Northeast Dairy Producers Association, Soil & Water Conservation District staff and many more.

We can’t go without recognizing the countless hours that many volunteers have contributed to make this event a success. Finally, a big thank you to the team at Annex Business Media who lead all the logistics and event management. They are responsible for keeping the show organized and running smoothly. Thank you to everyone who has helped us bring you the 2024 Expo.

Please visit with our vendors and exhibitors, attend workshops and tours, ask questions of our presenters, patronize our sponsors and network with attendees. They make the Expo a truly one-of-a-kind event. We hope you enjoy the Expo and are so glad you are here!


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