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Idaho gives dairy industry study OK

May 6, 2008  by  Marg Land

May 6, 2008, Twin Falls, ID – The
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has accepted the
findings of a study on emissions at a dairy farm in western Cassia

May 6, 2008, Twin Falls, ID – The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has accepted the findings of a study on emissions at a dairy farm in western Cassia County.

According to a report in the Twin Falls Times-News , the study – paid for by representatives of the Idaho dairy industry – found that the Darrell Funk Dairy would emit less than one ton of methanol per year. The Idaho Conservation League (ICL) – who in 2007 threatened to sue the dairy – claimed that methanol emissions from the dairy would exceed 10 tons of methanol per year.

Under federal regulations, industrial facilities are allowed to emit up to 10 tons of methanol annually before they are subjected to regulatory permit requirements.


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